Outfitting in Alberta

Code of Ethics


In the operation of an outfitting business, a Voting or Non-Voting Member of APOS shall:

  1. Provide clients with contract or documentation outlining agreed upon terms and conditions for each hunt.
  2. Not contract or conduct outfitting services unless they are the holder or permitted user of the allocation or waterfowl privilege to be used.
  3. Not knowingly mislead or misinform clients when marketing the details of a hunt.
  4. Be willing to make restitution when at fault for breach of contract.
  5. Be familiar with and adhere to the applicable legislation and regulations relating to hunting, guiding, and outfitting in Alberta.
  6. Maintain respectful relations with landowners.
  7. Cooperate with and respect the reputation and business of fellow APOS members.
  8. Ensure safety is a priority at all times during the delivery of contracted services.
  9. Employ competent and knowledgeable guides, maintain oversight to ensure their continued proficiency and delivery of quality services.
  10. Maintain the highest practical standards in food preparation and accommodations.
  11. Respect the rights of resident hunters.
  12. Respect and maintain the reputation and standards of APOS.

In the delivery of guiding services, the holder of a Guide Designation shall:

  1. Ensure safety is a priority at all times during the delivery of contracted services.
  2. Be familiar with and adhere to the applicable legislation and regulations relating to hunting and guiding in Alberta.
  3. Maintain the highest practical standards in food preparation and accommodations.
  4. Maintain respectful relations with landowners, resident hunters, and fellow APOS members.


APOS has a Code of Ethics Complaints Process that provides clients, landowners, employees, and other outfitters with the opportunity to file a complaint pursuant to the Code of Ethics. Complaints are reviewed by APOS’ Ethics and Standards Review Committee. Complainants may also have access to third-party mediation services through APOS. Complaints must be submitted using the Code of Ethics Complaint Form.

APOS is a member of the Foundation for Administrative Justice (FOAJ).

For more information, please contact Sander Duffhues, Complaints Coordinator, at Sander@apos.ab.ca or 780-670-7275.

Hunt in Alberta